Class Time: Daytime
Member | Advanced Registration: 185.00
Non Member | Advanced Registration: 210.00
Location: Atlanta REALTORS® Center
Duration: 04/21/2025-04/24/2025
Instructor: Ed Riggins
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Whether you are an experienced and proficient veteran or are just beginning your career, this eight-class series will provide a high ROI for your investment of time and money. Course 1 - Starting Out Right, provides a success template. Course 2 - Negotiating UP, gives you skills for client expectation management, one of your hardest professional tasks. Courses 3 and 4 - Closing the Sale and Executing the Lease, shows you how to navigate toward success in these two very different types of negotiating environments. Course 5 - Your Money Matters, closely connects the dots between financial success and doing the right thing for clients. Course 6 - Selling Dirt, provides a step-by-step approach to the complicated process of selling land. Course 7 - Dealing Skillfully with Emotions, speaks directly to the reality that deal making requires skills far beyond the numbers. And, finally, Course 8 - Hard Won Relationship Lessons, describes a dozen high-level lessons that will provide milestones along the road to professional success.
Known simply as "Riggo" to the thousands who have laughed and learned while attending his programs, Ed Riggins has had a career that proves you can enjoy serious success without taking it all too seriously. He learned from doing stand-up comedy that if you want to find the truth, look for the funny. He learned from improv comedy to find the natural flow and go with it. Before becoming a national top producer, being named "Who's Who of Commercial Real Estate" by the Atlanta Business Chronicle and recognized as a "Power Broker" by Costar, Riggo mowed lawns, customized cars, drove a forklift, and was a small engine mechanic, on his way to becoming a first- generation college graduate. Ed is among less than 1% of practitioners nationally to have earned both the SIOR and CCIM designations. More info »
Advanced Registration: 325.00
Location: Zoom Video Conference
Duration: 05/08/2025-05/13/2025
Instructor: Jamie Lyons
Looking for a new opportunity? Employment of Community Association managers is projected to increase faster than the average for all occupations. If you want to be involved in the management or operations of a Community Association, this comprehensive course is for you! This Postlicense Series includes 8 courses and satisfies the 1st year agent postlicense course requirement.
**THIS CLASS WILL TAKE PLACE VIRTUALLY VIA ZOOM**Your class information and Zoom link will be sent to you after registration, prior to class.
Requirements for participating in a virtual class:
Printed Class Materials are REQUIRED for this class. PLEASE come by the CAPITUS office to pick them up during regular business hours or CALL us to make arrangements to have them shipped.
Jamie Lyons, a partner with Lazega & Johanson, is a veteran Community Association Attorney. Licensed in 1994 as an instructor of the Georgia Real Estate Commission, Jamie has taught the Community Association Management pre-licensing course since its inception in 1996 and has received awards for her excellent programs. Jamie also regularly teaches for the Atlanta REALTORS® Association and her law firm’s school about timely topics in the community association and real estate industries.
Duration: 07/10/2025-07/15/2025
Duration: 09/15/2025-09/18/2025
Duration: 11/06/2025-11/11/2025
Cost: $130.00
Credit Hours: 25
Provides detailed lessons covering all aspects of commercial real estate, including listings, land transactions, office and retail leasing and commercial real estate terminology. A review is also included in the course material in preparation for the required Postlicense written test given at your school of enrollment. 25-Hour Postlicense program includes the following courses:
Cost: $145.00
The journey from newly licensed salesperson to successful real estate professional involves a lot of learning. After completing your pre-licensing education and earning your license, you likely had a good handle on the laws that govern the practice of real estate. How to apply these rules and regulations, however, can be a bit of a mystery when confronted with everyday situations. Georgia Post-Licensing for Real Estate Salespersons assists you in merging your book knowledge with practical field application. The course fills the gap between what you needed to know to get your license and what you need to do to become a confident, well-respected, and highly skilled real estate professional.
Course highlights include: