"I took 'Home Staging to Market & Sell Property Listings' with Krisztina Bell at the Capitus Roswell Campus). Krisztina taught us about neutralizing paint colors, thinning out sellers' personal items and other staging techniques. I realized staging is different than designing. Although I thought I knew my fair share about real estate staging, I was pleasantly surprised by all of the new information she shared with us. On top of being in thoroughly engaged by Krisztina's knowledge, we were all fed lunch! Convenient, pleasant location plus a knowledgeable and cutting edge instructor = Win Win! I have also taken 'Surviving an Attack: Safety Tips All Real Estate Agents Should Know' with Ken Malcom. That class was so informative - my friend who is an agent with all of her CE credits still wanted to take the class with me and we are so grateful for Ken's knowledge! That class should be mandatory every year, for every agent. He may have saved a life that day by imparting his knowledge and experience with a packed room full of new and seasoned agents alike. He was a phenomenal instructor."

Shelley Margulies Gordon